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Engineering & Technology

Develop the products and tools of the future for billions of users.
Apr 23, 2025
Workshop de Entrevistas de Design de Sistemas
Você está se preparando para entrevistas de cargos da Engenharia de Software no Google? Aprenda com os nossos times de RH e Engenharia de Software sobre como se preparar para entrevistas desses cargos de forma geral e, particularmente, melhores práticas sobre as de Design de Sistemas.

Público-alvo: profissionais da Engenharia de Software com 6 ou mais anos de experiência na área
Mar 28, 2025
Google on Campus 2025 - Australia & New Zealand
Welcome to the Google Students Virtual Campus Outreach for technical students in Australia and New Zealand!

The series has been curated specially for tech students who are studying in Australia or New Zealand, so the opportunities we'll cover and the Googlers you'll hear from are all based in this region.

For all student events by Google, visit the CareersOnAir Students homepage.
Speakers: Fadhila Prabu, Kelsey Jack, Pippa Jaffrey, Jonathan O'Kane, Regan O'Connor, Jackson Godley, Oliver Szabo, Marina Deletic, Vanessa Page, Anna Emmerson, Mihai Blaga, Jared Smith, Tom Wright, Andrew Griscti, Tom Wright, Andrew Griscti, Carl Ellis, Samhar Aeron, Jess Lowe, Andrew Griscti, Smitha Lal, Tom Wright, Tom Wright, Tom Wright
Mar 26, 2025
Workshop de Entrevistas de Estrutura de Dados e Algoritmos
Você está se preparando para entrevistas de cargos da Engenharia de Software no Google? Aprenda com os nossos times de RH e Engenharia de Software sobre como se preparar para entrevistas desses cargos de forma geral e, particularmente, melhores práticas sobre as de Estruturas de Dados e Algoritmos.

Público-alvo: profissionais da Engenharia de Software com 6 ou mais anos de experiência na área
Lety (Carla Letycia) Silva Recrutadora, Engenharia de Software Google
Carlos Eduardo (Dadinho) Engenheiro de Software Google
Mar 13, 2025
Taller de Entrevistas (Ingeniería de Software)
¿Quieres prepararte para las entrevistas de puestos en Ingeniería de Software de Google en México? ¡Únete a nosotros para entender más sobre cómo funciona este proceso y escuchar consejos de nuestros equipos de Recursos Humanos y de entrevistadores de Ingeniería de Software en Google!
Alan Macedo Esparza Software Engineer Google
Erick Camacho Software Engineering Manager Google
Juan Laverde Talent Outreach Program Manager Google
Mar 11, 2025
Taller de CV (Ingeniería de Software)
¿Eres un profesional de la ingeniería de software en México y estás enviando o planeando enviar solicitudes para oportunidades de trabajo de tiempo completo en Google? Únete a nosotros para este taller de currículums enfocado en áreas de la tecnología para descubrir cómo el formato, la estructura y el contenido detallado de tu currículum pueden maximizar tus posibilidades de recibir una oportunidad de entrevista con Google. ¡No olvides tener una copia de tu currículum más actualizado contigo!
Juan Laverde Talent Outreach Program Manager Google
1 week ago
ondemand_video On demand
Google Product Area Spotlight: Cloud, Core and YouTube
Get ready to explore the some of our Product Areas at Google. Join us for an exclusive event featuring software engineers from Cloud, Core, and YouTube, as they pull back the curtain on the exciting work happening in their organizations. Get a taste of a "day in the life" of a Google intern and discover the skills they're looking for.

Here's more about the Product Areas that will be highlighted:

Google Cloud: Google Cloud empowers businesses to digitally transform. Cloud delivers cutting-edge tech and tools, like AI and data solutions, helping organizations grow and solve tough problems. Cloud engineers build the next-gen tech that connects billions.

Google Core: The Core team builds and champions the tech, platforms, and infrastructure that drive innovation and create seamless user experiences. Core engineers tackle complex technical challenges that impact the whole company.

YouTube: YouTube empowers voices and builds community through video. We connect people with stories they love, creating a global platform for sharing and exploration. YouTube engineers work at the crossroads of tech and creativity, shaping the future of online video.
Speakers: Hassler, Matt, Sybil, Arely, Aashna, Maruf, JC, Niki, Matt, Elena
3 weeks ago
ondemand_video On demand
Girl Hackathon 2025 - Silicon Engineering Learning Cohort
Ready to code and innovate? Girl Hackathon is a program for women students in computer science and allied courses across India.

It has been designed to provide a platform for women to showcase their coding skills and promote creative solutions for real time technical challenges.  

Join us for upskilling workshops designed to help you with your Hackathon journey and beyond. 

Stay tuned to find out more!
Arijit Hazra Silicon Physical Design Manager
Anita Tripathy ASIC Design Verification Engineer
Aditi Bakshi Specialist, Talent Engagement
Subrangshu Das Director, Silicon
Pandithurai Sangaiyah ASIC Design Verification Manager
Nikhil Singla ASIC Design Verification Engineer
3 weeks ago
ondemand_video On demand
Girl Hackathon 2025 - Software Engineering Learning Cohort
Ready to code and innovate? Girl Hackathon is a program for women students in computer science and allied courses across India.

It has been designed to provide a platform for women to showcase their coding skills and promote creative solutions for real time technical challenges.  

Join us for upskilling workshops designed to help you with your Hackathon journey and beyond. 

Stay tuned to find out more!
Sushovan De Software Engineer
Sushovan De Software Engineer Google India
Prachi Jain Design Manager Google
Pranati Benawri People Programs Specialist Google India
Harsh Dattani Program Manager Google
Rashma Raveendra Engineering Director, Google Cloud, India Google Cloud
3 weeks ago
ondemand_video On demand
Girl Hackathon Launch 2025
Welcome to Girl Hackathon 2025!

In today's kick-off session, you will gain an overview of the program structure, meet senior leaders at Google, learn more about AI @Google India and connect directly with the Girl Hackathon team for a live Q&A.

A "Live" link will appear below the event title when it goes live, or 5 minutes before. You must click this to join the event. This link is not available until the event starts.

Speakers: Jackson Godley, Fadhila Prabu, Ambika Agarwal, Sushovan De, Pippa Jaffrey, Regan O'Connor, Mihai Blaga, Jared Smith, Suchi Sethi, Sai Charan Tej Kommuri, Raj Vikram, Anand Rangarajan, Aditi Bakshi, Aakarsh Pratap, Aparna Taneja, Jonathan O'Kane, Marina Deletic, Venkateswarlu Yerramalli, Vanessa Page, Viji Ranganna, Usha Seetharaman, Kelsey Jack, Anna Emmerson, Oliver Szabo, Amruta Joshi, Ambarish Kenghe, Vibali Joshi, Pranati Benawri, Anil Bhansali, Suvarna Singh, Indu Ancha, Usha Seetharaman, Riya Marwah, Nivedita Aggarwal, Aishwarya Deb
1 month ago
ondemand_video On demand
Bate-papo com estudantes
Se você é estudante de universidade ou faculdade, junte-se a nós para ouvir dicas sobre como gerenciar suas expectativas nesse momento tão importante da sua vida, levando em consideração suas vidas pessoal e profissional!
Carlos Carvalho Engenheiro de Software Google
Larissa Dominguez Gerente de Programas de Estágio Google

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